Getting the “Wet” Look Without Looking Oily – Hair Tip

Another hair tip from top Destin hair salon - Salon Salon: Getting the wet look with hair without looking greasy or oily.

Use gel to control hair when you want a "wet" affect.

Apply gel sparingly to your hair once styled. Put a dime-size amount of gel in your palm and rub your palms together vigorously.

Women - To use for braiding, apply it to all of the hair before you braid, or when you want a clean, off-the-face effect, you can apply it to the perimeter hairline where lengths tend to be shorter.

On the second day, take out the braid, spritz hair with water, turn head upside down, and comb through with fingers for an extremely cute tousled look! A Destin hair salon favorite!

More Salon Salon in Destin – Destin Hair Salon – Daily Hair Tips!

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